Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Advent 2022 - Ponder IF and BUT

 Two small words. Two small words can change everything. 

"I will attend church this week IF you go with me."

"I will only send Christmas cards this year IF I get any."

"I will pray IF God will answer!"

If, if, if. It is like setting ourselves up, so we don't have to step out and own our decisions. I will attend church because I am blessed when I do.  I will write a note or a card to let people know I am thinking of them and care for them. I will pray. God does answer, and often His answer is better than what I seek. 

A friend once told me that when you insert BUT into a sentence, it is like canceling everything before the but.  Every time I start to use the word but, I pause. I substitute another word and think for a bit before speaking, analyzing what I'm trying to say. It takes effort and thought to express feelings accurately. I only sometimes succeed.

There is so much to ponder with these two small words. 

Challenge: Take notice of how often you use the words IF and BUT. Pause briefly in your conversations. Are you putting a decision you have already made onto someone else? Are you putting conditions on your own actions? Are you using BUT to subtly convey a message that you don't want to state outright? Choose different words in place of these, then ponder how that makes you feel.

There will be many ifs and buts that come up during this Advent season. I hope this makes you think, thinking is good!

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5 NLT

Prayer: Lord, help me today to think carefully about my words. Help me to not put my  "ifs" onto someone else, to look to You for my strength. Help me eliminate "but" by expressing my message clearly. Help me to use my words to encourage, uplift, and bless others. How can I change my words to better spread Your love? Lead me, Jesus, Amen.

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