Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Advent 2022 - Ponder VALUE

A  big one to ponder today - value. As a noun- Worth; Price; Importance. The value of a thing is worth what it will bring in market. As a verb -  To rate at a high price; to esteem; to consider with respect for importance.

I have been filling out a survey today about an amusement park I visited with my daughter and granddaughters.  It was a wonderful holiday evening, stepping into a  make-believe world for a few hours of Christmas joy. There were several questions about the value of our experience. At first, as I pondered how to rate the experience, I wanted to rate it very low. I purchased our tickets way early in the year at a reduced rate, so I got a good value.  To enhance the experience, many additional 'add-ons' increased the value of our pleasant experience but caused the value of the monetary side to go down. Like many things we participate in, from ball games, concerts, movies, and amusement parks, we think we are getting a good deal by buying early, using coupons, and taking advantage of special offers. Ultimately, we still have to decide if it is worth spending exorbitant amounts on food, special passes so we don't have to wait in line, or even extra dollars to park close and not walk as far. What do we value more? The wonderful experience of spending time with our loved ones and laughing together, making memories, or the money we have to spend to do it?  In retirement, I have come to the place of extreme planning. I search for deals and try to make the dollars spread as far as possible. I watched many families last night braving the cold and rain to spend some time in a Christmas wonderland.  I also watched as children were told "we can't get hot cocoa right now; it's a little too expensive."  Or "we can't go into the petting zoo; it costs extra." (I rated our visit fairly high and expressed my monetary concerns in the comments.  I would love for more families to enjoy that experience more affordably.)

This isn't a critique of the place we visited, it truly is a wonderful place, and I will go back again. This is more about where we place value. It often is looked at only as monetary. Like many of you, our family has struggled this year. All of us have to decide where to spend time and money. Thankfully, with careful planning and sacrificing some small things, I can enjoy these special things with my granddaughters.  As we are fond of saying in our family, "we will never have this moment again." 

What do you value the most? All of our Christmas trees may have fewer gifts this year. Our vacations may be more 'staycations' and smaller events. We may be missing a loved one around our table, so the memories become even more precious.  We are just a few days away from the thing children look forward to most, discovering what surprises are wrapped up in all those boxes and bags. There may be some long-awaited treasure that gets unwrapped.  Or there may be hurt feelings because the biggest desire isn't met in a gift. The thing I value most is something far bigger. I desire the ones I love and those I meet to know, without a doubt, that the thing of the greatest value can't be wrapped up in a box or bag. There may be a time when the amusement park can't be visited, or the special gift can't be bought, yet the God who gave me the greatest gift will always be there for me.

"Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." Matthew 6:19-21 NLT

"For this is how God loved the world; He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him." John 3:16-17

Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 NLT

Enjoy these last few days before Christmas as well as you can, but don't stop pondering.

Challenge: What do you value? What value do you place on God in the lives of the ones you love? As you wrap, give, go, and enjoy, are the things you are spending time and money on earthly treasures or heavenly ones? Find a way today to have a quiet talk with God about your priorities in values. 

Prayer: Father God, help me to see the value my life has in You. As I enjoy the abundance of this season, help me to look beyond it all and nurture the ultimate gift in my heart. Help me to share Jesus with those I love and help them see that my treasure isn't in things but in You. Move mightily in those I love; draw them closer to You so they will know the greatest treasure. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen.

Enjoy all of the pleasures of the season in whatever way you can. 

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